Primary Equipment for Tatev Community Residents from Artsakh
Many people forcibly displaced from Artsakh and relocated to Armenia, were unable to bring their essential ...
The CaseKey competition is a six-month developmental program and an entrepreneurial contest for excellent students to enable and empower them to challenge themselves and sharpen their business acumen. This program is conducted under the auspices of the Nation in Action platform and has been successfully running in Armenia for the past three years. Regrettably, there had been no prior participation from Artsakh-based teams in this initiative.
This year, thanks to the dedicated efforts of our agency, we successfully organized and facilitated the formation of two teams from Artsakh, enabling them to participate in the program. They engaged in six months of online training with coaches from Armenia, honing their business case-solving abilities and receiving constructive feedback from mentors and program organizers.
In October, program participants from Artsakh, who had been forcibly displaced, continued their involvement in Armenia. They are currently working alongside their coaches in preparation for the upcoming competition finals.
From November 10 to 12, 2023, a nationwide competition will be held in Dilijan. During this event, all teams will be presented with a real business case from an actual client, and they will be tasked with finding a solution within a 72-hour window. The team that presents the most outstanding solution will be declared the competition’s victor. The Armenian national team, comprised of the competition’s top performers, will have the opportunity to partake in an international case-solving competition.
30 and university students, with 15 of them successfully advancing to the competition finals.
Thanks to the knowledge and skills they acquire throughout the program, participants from Artsakh graduate with a competitive edge in the job market. They gain access to a network of business consultants and a community of like-minded individuals who share an entrepreneurial mindset.