Artsakh Food Reserve Replenishment

Last updated: 02.03.2023

Artsakh Food Reserve Replenishment

The blockade of Artsakh by Azerbaijan and the threat of other such situations create the need to replenish the state food reserves for Artsakh’s 120,000 residents.

Food substitutes – powders, freeze-dried foods, dried fruits and vegetables and cereals – are considered optimal for ensuring a normal life for the population of Artsakh in an emergency situation.



  • Provide the population with food, taking into account international standards, expediency in terms of transportation and storage, as well as products’ nutritional value in an emergency
  • Create conditions for the transportation and storage of products
Implementing partner

Implementing partner

Operations HQ of the Government of the Republic of Artsakh



Artsakh, all regions

Implementation period

Implementation period

3 months


Population of Artsakh



This project is part of ensuring the national security of Artsakh


* The implementation of the project depends on the availability of transportation, possibly with the support of the Red Cross and/or other humanitarian actors.